
Showing posts from February, 2022

Clinical Journal of Orthopedic Surgery Case Reports

  The Journal of Traumatology case reports and Orthopedic Surgery Case Reports provide a common platform for orthopedic based medicine as well as for personal experience and each case report reflects this important concept. The Journal of Orthopedic Case Reports is a free-access journal dedicated to publication but is not limited to surgeries and observations on the musculoskeletal system, legs and ankles, spine, buttocks or knees.  Orthopedic Surgery Case Reports The Journal of Traumatology case reports and Orthopedic Surgery Case Reports are the fastest communicating journals and articles are published online soon after the acceptance of Orthopedic Surgery Case Reports . The journal publishes the latest research and local debates in all areas of clinical and experimental orthopedics, including musculoskeletal medicine, locomotor syndrome, trauma, pediatrics, oncology and biomaterials as well as basic research. The International Journal of Orthopedic Surgery reports that it pertains

Gastroenterology Journals Case Report - Literature Publishers

  Case Reports in Gastroenterology is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal that publishes original case reports across the full spectrum of gastroenterology. The journal will also accept case reports relating to the use of new technologies in both diagnosis and treatment. Supplementary material is welcome and free.  Reports are conducted according to the classification used by the American Gastroenterological Association; Universal terms will make it possible to find specific information in a constantly growing collection of case reports in gastroenterology . In this forum, physicians and researchers share their observations with a large audience in the community. Hepatology And Gastroenterology Journals Case Reports The Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology case reports in gastroenterology must have a commitment to clinical information and demonstrate the need for changes in cognitive value or clinical practice or demonstrative / symptomatic methods. The journal aims to provide

Journal of Cardiology Case Reports

Journal of cardiology case reports is open access, peer-reviewed journal designed for the wide dissemination of research in the field of cardiology to a worldwide audience. Journal of cardiology case reports   provides an important resource for new developments in methodology and techniques for the research community. Scientific studies on various cardiovascular disorders were conducted in the Journal of Cardiology and Heart Case Reports. Cardiology and cardiology case reports identify heart-related disorders and provide detailed insights. Journal of Cardiology and Heart Case Reports focuses on the topics under Cardiology and Heart diseases that include. Case Reports in Cardiology is the study and treatment of cardiovascular disorders. A person with heart disease or cardiovascular disease may be referred to a cardiologist. The Journal of Cardiology Case Reports focuses on conceptual progress, aims to facilitate rapid publication, and on cardiovascular problems, cardiovascular medici

International Journal of Surgery Case Reports Journal

  Surgery and Surgical Case Report The surgery case reports journal & Surgical Case Reports publishes general surgical case reports in all areas of surgery. It should be genuine, understandable, academically and medically interesting for surgeons, trainees and researchers in all surgical fields as well as doctors in related fields. All surgical case report journals submitted must comply with the relevant reporting criteria. The Journal of Surgery and Surgical Case Reports focuses on topics under Surgical and Surgical Case Reports which include. Surgery Case Reports Journal The surgery case reports journal is the official journal of the Japan Surgical Society. It will consider any original case reports in the areas of Open Access, Peer-Review, online journal Gastroenterological Surgery, Cardiovascular Surgery, Breast Surgery, Breast and Endocrine Surgery, Pediatric Surgery, Transplant Surgery and Emergency Surgery. Surgery Surgery is a branch of medicine that uses equipment on the