Journal of clinical studies & medical case reports

A case report is an itemized composed record of the introducing symptoms, past clinical history, clinical signs, analytic research, treatment and follow-up of an individual patient. Case reports for the most part depict a bizarre or novel event identified with the disease, conclusion, treatment or development. Case reports quite often contain an audit of writing other comparative or differentiating cases announced previously. Despite the fact that case reports are viewed as low level proof because of methodological confinements, they are a very priceless wellspring of clinical proof. Case reports lay an essential preparation and are a significant reason for additional and further developed exploration on illnesses or diseases. Case reports contribute enormously to headways in disease diagnosis, treatment and avoidance.  The case reports are distributed in journals committed to distributing case reports or in journals which distribute different articles like research articles, other than case reports. There are just a couple of journal of case reports and significantly less open access journal of case reports covering various claims to fame. Case reports Journals accept that each case is a showing case and even a single case can show us a ton about disease procedures and its administration. To empower creators to distribute case reports detailing unordinary and one of a kind cases.

Aims and Scope

Global Journal of Case Reports and Images is only devoted to distributing Case Series, Case Reports, Clinical Images, Letters to the Editor and Review Articles in all claims to fame. Global Journal of Case Reports and Images energizes publication of case reports by giving a platform to detailing of one of a kind, abnormal and uncommon cases which upgrade comprehension of disease process, its conclusion, the board and clinico-pathologic connections.

Where to Publish Case Reports

Case reports in filed clinical journals are developing and extending. Some clinical journals explicitly distribute fundamentally case reports, for example, Case Reports journal, and journal of Medical case reports. journals accept  case reports ordinarily will feature an area of interest( for example,  oncology or surgical) and the models for case reports they will acknowledge  which ought to be unequivocally referenced on the off chance that reports submitted to these journals. What do you do if a journal doesn't expressly acknowledge case reports? Before starting to compose your case report, it is essential to consider the journal in which you wish to publish. You ought to consider the crowd you wish to target and consider the readership of diaries to which your case report will be generally material.

 Journal of Clinical Images & Case Reports focuses mainly on topics such as:

  • Endocrinology
  • Diabetes
  • Metabolism
  • Psychology
  • Medicine
  • Allergy
  • Asthma
  • Clinical Immunology
  • Cardiovascular
  • Cancer Science
  • Diabetes
  • Urology
  • Gynaecology

As a scientific documentation on clinical perception, case reports journals offer ideal and important data of best clinical practices, particularly on uncommon disease. The fundamental target of Clinical Images and Case Reports Journal (CICRJ) is to feature and advance recognized research in the field of clinical medication, to help advance improvement for Journal of clinical studies & medical case reports. The kinds of articles or clinical case reports journals  distributed in Clinical Images and Case Reports Journal (CICRJ) incorporate Editorial, Opinion Review, Frontier, Review, Minireview, Clinical Research, Systematic Review, Meta-investigation, and Evidence-based Medicine.

Submit your journal of medical case reports via Online Submission at:
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