Surgery and Surgical Case Report

 Clinical Images and Case reports in surgery focuses on topics under Surgery and Surgical Case Reports which include: 

Cardiac and Thoracic Surgery, Colon, Ear, Nose and Throat Surgery, Endocrine Surgery, Eye Surgery, Gastrointestinal Surgery, Gynecological Surgery, Neurosurgery, Oral Surgery, Orthopedic Surgery, Pediatric Surgery, Plastic and Surgery, Surgery, Reconstructive Surgery, Surgery. - Alternative surgery.

Surgery and Surgical Case Reports

The Journal of Clinical Images and Case Reports journal publishes general surgical case reports in all areas of surgery. It should be genuine, understandable, academically and medically interesting for surgeons, trainees and researchers in all surgical fields as well as doctors in related fields. All journal of  Case reports in surgery submitted must comply with the relevant reporting criteria. 

Case reports in the Journal of Surgery focus on, but are not limited to, the following areas:


Surgery is a branch of medicine that uses equipment to help a patient diagnose and treat injuries, deformities, and diseases, and to improve physical function or appearance, or to repair unwanted torn parts.


Neurosurgery is a surgical specialization related to the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of disorders affecting any part of the nervous system, including the brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves, and the extra-cranial cerebrovascular system. Surgery is performed on the nervous system, especially the brain and spinal cord. This is a specialized area of ​​surgery that treats diseases affecting the CNS of the brain and spinal cord.

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

Otorhinolaryngology is a surgical specialist dealing with the diagnosis, diagnosis and management of diseases of the head and neck and primarily ear, nose and throat.

Cardiac Surgery

Cardiac surgery involves the heart and arteries, and thoracic surgery involves the lungs.

Eye Surgery

Eye surgery, also called ophthalmic surgery, is performed on the eye or its adnexa, usually by an ophthalmologist.

Orthopaedic Surgery

Orthopedics is surgery for injuries and conditions affecting the musculoskeletal system (bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, muscles and nerves). Orthopedic operations include repairing fractured bones, arthroscopy, damaged muscles, torn tendons or torn ligaments, arthroplasty, surgery to correct bone deformities.

Surgical Oncology

Surgical oncology is a surgical specialization that deals with the diagnosis, stage and treatment of cancer and the management of specific symptoms related to cancer.

Gastrointestinal Surgery

GI surgery is concerned with providing comprehensive surgical care for patients with basic and complex gastrointestinal diseases. These include cancers of the esophagus, liver, spleen, bile ducts, pancreas, stomach and gallbladder, and benign conditions.

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