Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology Case Reports

 The Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology welcomes the publication of case reports as a unique research article, audit article, short correspondence, case report, editorial letter and free-access platform as editor of the most recent or updated reports on medical microbiology. 

Case Reports in Microbiology

Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology case reports focus on internal topics in microbiology and biotechnology case reports which include:

Bacteriology, Virology, Infectious Diseases, Mycology, Medical microbiology, Clinical Microbiology Case Reports, Pathology, Diagnosis and treatment of Infectious Disease, Industrial Microbiology, Microbiology and Immunology, Microbiology and Immunology Research, Microbiology and Pathology, Principles of Diagnosis.

The Journal of Clinical Microbiology provides up-to-date or up-to-date information on Case Reports in Microbiology, for example, diagnosis, microbial, pathogenic viruses, fungi and parasites, infectious diseases - epidemiology, bacteria, immune system, immune system, pathogens. Immune system, immune system. And the causes and spread of diseases, microbial cultures, pathogenic and pathogenic interactions. The journal focuses on topics:

Journal of Microbiology

Bacteriology is the study of bacteriology, ecology, genetics and biochemistry. Bacteria are single-celled microorganisms that do not have molecular membranes, are metabolically energetic, and divide by double fission. Medically they are the main source of the disease. In hindsight, bacteria appear to be relatively simple forms of life; In fact, they are cultured and highly adjustable.


Many bacteria multiply rapidly and different species can use a wide variety of hydrocarbon substrates, including phenol, rubber, and petroleum. These organisms are found in large numbers in both parasitic and free-living species. Because they are universal and have an extraordinary ability to adapt to changing environments through the classification of impulsive mutations, the importance of bacteria in every field of medicine cannot be overemphasized.


Viruses can be classified by allowing the host cell to infect animal viruses, plant viruses, fungal viruses, and bacteriophages. Another entity uses the geometric shape of their capsid or the structure of the virus. Viruses range in size from 30 nm to about 450 nm, meaning most of them cannot be seen under a light microscope. Epidemiological studies show that viral infections are the most common cause of acute disease in developed countries that do not require hospitalization.

Infectious Diseases

Infectious diseases are conditions caused by organisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites. Many organisms live in and out of our bodies. They are usually harmless or even useful, but in safe environments, some organisms can cause disease. Some infectious diseases can be passed from one person to another. 

Some are transmitted by insect or animal bites and some are obtained by using contaminated food or water or by being unprotected from environmental organisms. Records of human suffering and death due to smallpox, cholera, typhus, dysentery, malaria, etc. establish the reputation of infectious diseases. Infectious diseases are a common and significant problem in modern medicine, despite excellent success in control through improved hygiene, vaccinations, and antibiotic therapy.


In storage, some fungi have economic significance as plant and animal pathogens. Fungal diseases are relatively mild in healthy people, but some life-threatening fungal diseases are especially important. Fungal diseases are a growing problem due to the use of antibacterial agents and immunosuppressive agents. Opportunistic fungal infections such as candidiasis are more likely to occur in healthy individuals than in individuals with different bacterial flora or associated immune systems. Accordingly, the importance of opportunistic fungal pathogens in medical Case Reports in Microbiology is increasing.

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