Journal of Case Reports in Genetics and Molecular Biology Case Reports

 Case Reports in Genetics is a peer-reviewed, Open Access journal that publishes case reports and case series focusing on diseases caused by hereditary predisposition or genetic variation in individuals and families.

Case Reports in Genetics manages an editorial board of scholarly researchers from around the world to be handled by expert editors in the field of manuscript studies.

Genetics is the study of the structure and function of genes; Factors of genetic variation, physical effects as well as various other aspects of heredity. Genetic studies include in-depth analysis of DNA and chromosomal diversity, reproduction and heredity, recombination and genetic relationships, gene expression, central principles of life, genetic mutations, evolution, genomics, and DNA sequences. 

Heredity helps in understanding the molecular aspects of various diseases and helps in formulating specific treatment and management strategies. Scientists are currently working to find a cure for chronic diseases by modifying the relevant genes, a process known as gene therapy; And medical treatment is predicted.

Case Reports in Genetics and Molecular Biology

The Journal of Genetics and Molecular Biology publishes case reports and case systems that focus on diseases caused by genetic predisposition or genetic differences between individuals and families. Case Reports in Genetics and Genomics is a free-access publication aimed at examining how genetic changes in exposed genes affect phenotypes and how to use these data to improve new ways of coping with treatment.

Molecular Biology Case Reports

The Molecular Biology Report is a variable journal. When the research is accepted for publication, authors can choose to publish using the traditional publishing route or Instant Gold Open Access.

Molecular Biology reports publish original research papers and review articles that demonstrate new molecular and cellular findings in both eukaryotes (animals, plants, algae, fungi) and prokaryotes (bacteria and archaea). The journal publishes the results of basic and translational research as well as new techniques that make experimental progress in this area and presents original dissertations, short communications and reviews.

Case Reports in Genetics

The Journal of Pediatric Genetics is an English multidisciplinary peer-reviewed international journal publishing articles on all aspects of genetics in childhood and of the genetics of experimental models. 

These topics include clinical genetics, molecular genetics, biochemical genetics, medical genetics, dysmorphology, teratology, Case Reports in Genetics, genetic engineering, formal genetics, neuropsychiatric genetics, behavioral genetics, community genetics, cytogenetics, hereditary or syndromic cancer genetics, genetic mapping, reproductive genetics, fetal pathology and prenatal diagnosis, multiple congenital anomaly syndromes, and molecular embryology of birth defects. Journal of Pediatric Genetics provides an in-depth update on new subjects and current comprehensive coverage of the latest techniques used in the diagnosis of childhood genetics.

The Journal of Pediatric Genetics promotes the submission of authors from around the world. The following articles will be considered for publication: Editorial, Original and Review Articles, Short Report, Quick Communication, Letters to the Editor and Book Reviews. Authors are encouraged to submit case-based reviews and case reports to the Journal of Child Science. The aim of the journal is to exchange and disseminate knowledge across all branches of pediatric genetics. This journal is published by the World Pediatric Society:

Journal of Pediatric Genetics is affiliated with:

  • Bangladesh Society of Human Genetics

  • Brazilian Society of Medical Genetics and Genomics

  • Clinical Genetics Society of Croatia

  • Ecuadorian Society of Human Genetics

  • Genetic Association in Bosnia and Herzegovina

  • Hungarian Society of Human Genetics

  • National Society of Human Genetics-Egypt

​​What is genetics?

Genetics is the study of how genes and traits are passed from one generation to the next. Your genes contain information that affects your health, your appearance, and even your personality!

Heredity is the scientific study of genes and heredity - how changes in the DNA sequence pass on certain traits or traits from parents to offspring. A gene is a part of DNA that contains instructions for the formation of one or more molecules that help the body function. The DNA is shaped like a corkscrew-twisted ladder, called a double helix. The two ladders are called the spinal cord, and the steps are pairs of four building blocks (adenine, thiamine, guanine and cytosine) called bases. The sequence of these bases indicates the formation of molecules, most of which are proteins. Researchers estimate that humans have about 20,000 genes.

Genetic Disorders

Genetic disorders occur when mutations affect your genes or you have the wrong amount of genetic material. Genes are made up of DNA, which contains instructions for cell function and features that make you unique.

You inherit half of your genes from each biological parent, and you can inherit a gene mutation from one parent or both. Sometimes genetic changes are caused by DNA problems. This can increase your risk of developing a genetic disorder. Some develop symptoms at birth, while others develop over time.

Molecular Genetics

The term molecular heredity is now meaningless because contemporary heredity is completely molecular. case reports in Genetics are not made up of two sciences, one molecular and one non-molecular. Even so, practicing biologists still use the term. When they do, they set up laboratory techniques aimed at identifying and / or manipulating DNA segments that are specifically involved in the synthesis of important biological molecules.

Scientists often speak and write about the use of these techniques in a wide range of biomedical sciences. For them, molecular genetics is an exploratory approach that involves laboratory methods and research strategies. This approach predicts basic knowledge about gene expression and regulation at the molecular level.

Manuscript Submission

Authors are requested to submit their manuscripts using the online manuscript submission portal: 

(Or) Journal is invited to submit via e-mail id:- 

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