Publishes the International journal of surgery case reports

 International Journal of Surgery Case Reports

Case Reports in Surgery is a companion explored, Open Access diary that distributes case reports and case series connected with all parts of a medical procedure. Themes incorporate yet are not restricted to oncology, injury, gastrointestinal, vascular, and transplantation medical procedure. Case Reports in Surgery is an open-access diary. All articles are quickly accessible to peruse and reuse upon distribution.

Surgery Journal

Diary of case reports in surgery is a global, open-access, peer-evaluated diary. It gives a gathering to great substance as Case Reports, Case Series, Clinical Images, and letters to Editors in everyday medical procedure and partnered subspecialties.

With the distribution of unique case reports and case series in careful specialities and united subspecialties, the Journal of Case Reports and Images in Surgery commits itself to the worldwide progression of careful examination, schooling, and clinical practice. You can find clinically and instructively intriguing exploration content on broad medical procedure, gastrointestinal medical procedure, cardiovascular and thoracic medical procedure, neurosurgery, when medical procedure, renal medical procedure, pediatric medical procedure, relocate a medical procedure, and liver medical procedure.

Laparoscopic Surgery Journal

Laparoscopy is the advanced method utilized for gentle to direct endometriosis. It very well may be analyzed and eliminated by utilizing laparoscopic medical procedure. It very well may be carried out through a surgery keeping away from enormous stomach entry points through a lit survey instrument called laparoscope.

Related Journals of Laparoscopic Surgery

World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Surgical Laparoscopy, Endoscopy and Percutaneous Techniques and Surgical technology international.

Gallbladder Surgery Journal

Nerve bladder medical procedure can be performed through an enormous cut; nerve bladder is taken out from the mid-region because of nerve stones or torment. Medical procedure should be possible utilizing laparoscope can be named as Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy. This methodology can be significantly acted in United States.

Related Journals of Gallbladder Surgery

Clinics in Liver Disease, Digestive and Liver Disease, Current Bladder Dysfunction Reports.

Arthroscopic Knee Journal

During knee substitution or coincidental circumstances, medical procedure can be performed with the assistance of system called as Arthroscopy. It is a cutting edge procedure used to analyze, imagine and given fitting treatment inside the joint. It tends to be performed with less agony, blood misfortune and quick persistent recuperation.

Related Journals of Arthroscopic Knee

Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy, Techniques in Knee Surgery, The journal of knee surgery and The Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons.

Scoliosis Surgery Journal

Scoliosis medical procedure can be performed for the patients with spinal bends. This medical procedure assists with adjusting the spine by combining the vertebrae. The medical procedure can accomplish safe fix spine and shoulder, it might diminish back torment issue.

Related Journals of Scoliosis Surgery

Scoliosis, Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine, Seminars in Spine Surgery, Spine Journal.

Sinus Surgery Journal

Sinus or sinusitis medical procedure treats sick, contaminated and harmed tissue or expulsion of polyps inside the nose. This medical procedure can be serves to further develops better sinus seepage. Endoscopic medical procedure is suggested a medical procedure in sinus medical procedure. It very well may be performed through outside entry point.

Manuscript Submission

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